Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Best Mama Ever (12x10)

This is one of my favorite pictures of my Mom and I. Mothers Day is coming soon, so this is for you Mom. Now I just have to let it dry and send it to her in Poland.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Figs (6"x4")

It was fun to paint this one. Like usual, I had trouble trying to get the colours right, but I think I got them pretty close. I may go back and add a little more light to the fruit, but for now I will leave it alone, so I won't mess it up.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Waiting for a train (8"x8")

It is so hard to find people wearing bright colors in the winter. Almost every one wears black or gray. So when I saw this girl with an orange scarf and blue jacket and standing on the yellow line, I thought it would make a nice picture.
Most of the time, when I post my pictures, the colors don't turn out exactly the way they look in the painting. I'm using an SLR camera and I've tried shooting it outside and inside the house, but somehow it never looks quite right. What is the best way to do that? Any suggestions on how I could fix this? It is very frustrating.